Menu principale:
Art. 8036
Pinza lunga inox da cucina
S/steel long kitchen tweezers
Art. 1139
Affetta tartufo inox, manico in acciaio
S/steel truffle slicer, with handle
Art. 256
Pinza inox per affettati
Stailess steel tweezers for sliced food
ART. 987
Set 2 coltelli da tavola, interamente in acciaio inox
2 pcs entirely stainless steel table knives set
ART. 988
Set 6 cucchiaini, interamente in acciaio inox
6 pcs entirely stainless steel tea spoons set
ART. 989
Set 6 forchette, interamente in acciaio inox
6 pcs entirely stainless steel fork set
ART. 990
Set 6 cucchiai, interamente in acciaio inox
6 pcs entirely stainless steel spoons set
ART. 769
ART. 770
ART. 711
Coltello multiuso, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Multi-use knife with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 712
Coltello per agrumi, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Citrus knife with polypropylene and rubber
grip handle
ART. 714
Tagliapizza, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Grater and weel for pizza with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 717
Pelapatate, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Potatoes peeler with polypropylene and rubber
grip handle
ART. 718
Pelacarote, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Carrot peeler with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 721
Apriscatole, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Tin opener with polypropylene and rubber
grip handle
ART. 723
Rotella per pasta, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Waved weel with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 731
Snocciolafrutta, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Stone remover with polypropylene and rubber
grip handle
ART. 733
Provafrutta, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Fruit trier with polypropylene and rubber
grip handle
ART. 728
Grattugia, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Grater with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 727
Paletta affetta formaggio, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Cheese spatula with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 729
Paletta, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
Dessert spatula with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1139
Affetta tartufo inox, manico in acciaio
S/steel truffle slicer, with handle
ART. 1141
Mestolo in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel ladel with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1142
Schiumarola in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel skimmer with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1143
Forchettone in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel big fork with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1144
Palafritto in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel slotted turner with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1145
Servispaghetti in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel spaghetti spoon with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 1146
Cucchiaione in acciaio inox, manico antiscivolo in polipropilene e gomma
S/steel big spoon with polypropylene and rubber grip handle
ART. 8036
Pinza lunga inox da cucina
S/steel long kitchen tweezers
ART. 1101
Accendigas elettronico con batteria
Electronic gaslighter with battery
ART. 1102
Accendigas piezoelettrico
Gaslighter piezoelectric multispak
ART. 1103
Accendigas a fiamma, gas ricaricabile
Gaslighter, rechargeable with flame
ART. 771
Tagliere in PVC grande cm. 25,4 x cm. 34,5 x cm. 1 con manico
Big PVC chopping board with handle,
cm. 25,4 x 34,5 x 1
ART. 772
Tagliere in PVC piccolo cm. 19 x cm. 30 x cm. 0,8 con manico
Small PVC chopping board with handle,
cm. 19 x 30 x 0,8
ART. 648 cm 24
Trinciapollo acciaio cromato
Poultry shears, chromed steel
ART. 658 cm 24
Trinciapollo per pizza, manico in plastica
Poultry shears and “pizza” scissors, s/steel, plastic handle